Officer Complaint Form

Albany State University Campus Community, 

We provide this form with the understanding that you authorize the Albany State University Police Department to conduct an investigation to determine if a violation of law or departmental rules and regulations has occurred. COMPLETE this form with detailed information to ensure a successful investigation.

There are numerous ways you may submit a complaint:

  1. You can submit this form online using the form below.
  2. You may come to the University Police Department at any time to speak with a supervisor or to obtain this form.
  3. You can download this form using the link below and submit it in person or by mail.
  4. You may telephone the Department at (229) 430-4711 and speak to a supervisor over the telephone.

Complete and submit the form here: Online Complaint Form

We appreciate your comments as they assist us in providing excellent customer service to the members of our community.
“Serve Excellence”

Anita Allen
Chief of Police
Albany State University