2650 Applied Community Health
This course will focus on the application of previous coursework to a variety of
healthcare settings. The student is introduced to the field of community health and
to the provision of services to people with a wide range of health problems, including
a specific emphasis on patient/client populations with disabilities. Topics covered
include basic concepts of health/mental health; major types of disabilities; practical
usage of the DSM-IV; dual diagnosis and treatment issues; personality disorders and
addicted patients/clients; and commonly used interventions to prevent, promote
and/or restore the health/mental health of individuals, families and groups. Course
material will be directly linked to field placement experiences.
Prerequisites: PSYC 1101.
Corequisite: None.
Offered: Fall, Summer.
2700 Understanding and Treating Addictions
This course is designed to provide basic knowledge in the field of addictions.
Emphasis is in three major areas: the biopsychosocial factors of alcoholism, drug
addiction, & other types of addiction; the pharmacology of psychoactive substances;
& the eight components of the skill groups in addiction counseling. Course material
in all three areas will be directly linked to the field placement experiences for those
students working in addiction/substance abuse treatment settings.
Prerequisites: PSYC 1101.
Corequisite: None.
Offered: All Semesters.
2750 Current Trends in Addiction & Mental Health
This course addresses contemporary issues in addictions and mental health.
Emphasis is in four major areas: ethnic and cultural issues that influence diagnosis,
treatment and utilization of services, special populations such as
consumers/clients with HIV/AIDS; co-occurring disorders; and matching treatment
services to individual client needs (i.e., brief therapy, partial hospitalization, out-
patient treatment, etc.) In addition attention will be given to the following current
issues in the fields: treatment issues for adolescent and geriatric
consumers/clients; spiritual concerns and disciplines; gay/lesbian issues;
psychopharmocology; relapse dynamics and prevention, and managed care and
treatment costs.
Prerequisite: PSYC 1101 or permission of the instructor.
Offered: Fall, Spring.
2902 International Education
This course is designed to enhance and enrich the educational experience of
students who travel abroad in a program sanctioned by Darton State College. It
will provide students with an introduction to the culture(s) to be visited, an
understanding and appreciation of the importance of the specific sites on the
itinerary, and orientation to some of the cultural/social/political issues specific to
the area. This course requires 30 academic hours of instruction.
Prerequisite: None.
Corequisite: Enrollment in (one of) the travel abroad program(s) sanctioned by
Darton State College.
Offered: On demand.