Campus Update 7/12/2021

Gold Seal

Special Message from President Fedrick to Students:
Campus Operations Update

Dear ASU Students, 

I hope that everyone is having a fantastic summer. As we look forward to a new school year, I want to share a few details with you as ASU is scheduled for a full return to campus for fall 2021.

While I am excited about returning to a new normal, I want to take this opportunity to share with you some of the details that are underway so far. We are taking significant steps to prepare the campus while prioritizing the health and safety of our university community. As we did in 2020, our COVID-19 Taskforce will continue to ensure we have a safe return to campus, and when necessary, we will adjust our protocols.

We will follow the guidelines outlined by the Governor's Office, University System of Georgia (USG), the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), and the Georgia Department of Public Health (DPH). Therefore, for the remainder of the summer the following protocols are in place:

Face Coverings - Fully vaccinated individuals can resume work, classes, and other activities without wearing a face covering. Unvaccinated individuals are strongly encouraged to continue wearing a face covering while inside campus facilities.

Social Distancing - Summer courses will continue to observe appropriate levels of social distancing as determined by our current protocols. 

For fall 2021, expect the following: 

Face Coverings – This guidance will continue from the summer. Fully vaccinated individuals can resume work, classes and other activities without wearing a mask. Unvaccinated individuals are strongly encouraged to continue wearing a face covering while inside campus facilities.

Social Distancing - Fully vaccinated individuals can resume campus classes and other activities without physically distancing. Unvaccinated individuals are strongly encouraged to continue socially distancing from others when possible. 

Vaccines - ASU will continue to ensure vaccine availability to faculty, staff, and students through vaccination opportunities on campus or in partnership with a local provider. Note: Students, faculty, and staff who have been in close contact with someone who has COVID-19 are not required to quarantine if they have been fully vaccinated against the disease and show no symptoms.

Student Life - ASU will resume traditional student life activities beginning fall 2021. Mitigation practices as recommended by the CDC and DPH will be practiced and observed during these activities. You will receive more information from Dr. Lindsay, Vice President of Student Affairs, before the semester begins. 

Updates to this information will continue to be available at for your review.

Finally, I encourage everyone to revitalize and reenergize this summer before our campus transitions to a new normal this fall. Take time to conduct a wellness check for yourself and engage in self-care in the weeks ahead of the fall semester. There are resources available to assist you through Meta Online Counseling.

If you have questions, please contact the Office of Counseling and Accessibility Services at (229) 500-2013.

Yours for ASU,

Marion Ross Fedrick
