Student Wellness Resources

Be Well RamsWW

Welcome to ASU's Student Wellness Resources

Student Wellness at Albany State aims to enhance the holistic well-being of our students, campus, and extended community through a diverse range of programs, services, resources, and leadership opportunities. The Division of Student Affairs partners with various academic units, departments, student organizations, peer advocates, local, and state agencies. Together we develop, promote, and advocate for an environment that supports healthy choices and positive decision-making regarding academic studies, personal relationships, physical & mental health, safety, and wellness. For more information on our student wellness partnerships, please see the links below.



Emotional wellness is achieved when one is able to handle life's stressors and manage changes and challenges that come with life. Emotional wellness involves skills such as emotional awareness and how to handle or cope with those emotions.

Environmental Wellness is achieved when one is aware of their own effect on the environment as well as how the environment affects them. Environmental wellness involves eco-friendly skills such as participating in recycling, sustainability, and conservation.

Financial wellness is achieved when one is able to manage their current and future financial obligations while feeling secure. Financial wellness involves skills such as financial planning and expense management.


Intellectual wellness is achieved when one continually strives for a new mental challenge. Intellectual wellness involves skills such as critical thinking, creativity, and lifelong learning.


Occupational wellness is achieved when one finds balance between their work and social life while feeling satisfied. Occupational wellness involves effective communication, teamwork, and goal setting skills.

Physical Wellness is achieved when one listens and takes care of their body through activities such as physical activity, nutrition, and sleep. Physical wellness also involves becoming aware of bad habits in order to change these habits and bring awareness to safe alcohol consumtion, safe sex practices, and smoking cesssation.

Social wellness is achieved when one builds and maintains healthy relationships in the workplace, romantically, and among peers. Social wellness involves fostering healthy connections with those around you, becoming aware of personality differences, and tips for a self-esteem boost.

Spiritual wellness is achieved when one finds their purpose in life and is aware of their own morals. Spiritual wellness involves exploring and clarifying personal values, becoming aware of others values, and acting in a way that aligns with ones values.