Admission Procedures
Application for Out of State Tuition Differential Waiver for Academically Superior Students
A non-Georgia resident who applies for admission to Albany State University and to the Velma Fudge Grant Honors Program should complete the Application for Out of State Tuition Differential Waiver for Academically Superior Students. Application for Out of State Tuition Differential Waiver for Academically Superior Students should be completed along with the Honors Program Application for membership into the program and returned to the Honors Program office.
Advanced Standing and Transfer Students
An ASU student who has completed one semester and has earned a minimum of fifteen
(15) credit hours with a cumulative GPA of 3. 50 or higher will be eligible to apply
for admission to the V.F. Grant Honors program. Juniors and seniors are not eligible
to apply. Each application is reviewed on a case by case basis. Students who are not
taking a minimum of fifteen (15) credit hours are not eligible for admission to the
Honors Program. The ASU student must maintain a 3.50 cumulative grade point average
in order to remain in the Honors Program.
A transfer student must complete one full semester at Albany State University with
a semester grade point average of at least 3.50 before being eligible for admission
to the Honors Program, and must maintain a 3.50 cumulative grade point average in
order to remain in the Honors Program. Transfer Students will be required to enroll
in a minimum of fifteen (15) semester regular college credit hours.
Each applicant is required to submit a type-written statement of his or her reasons
for wanting to participate in the Honors Program along with a recommendation letter
from two ASU instructors who has taught the student. Each application will be reviewed
by the Honors Program Advisory Committee. The committee will consider each student’s
academic achievements, commitment to intellectual development, involvement in extracurricular
activities, involvement in community service, the level of high school courses taken,
and the recommendations from two ASU instructors. V.F. Grant Honors Program members
are required to participate in the Honors Program activities and events and comply
with all Honors Program Policies.
Transfer Student Statement
In order to apply to the Honors Program transfer applicants must:
- Have a cumulative GPA of 3.5 or higher from their previous institution.
- Have been a member of the Honors Program or took Honors classes at their previous institution.*
- Submit a completed application form.
- Submit a statement of academic and career goals.
- Provide at least two letters of recommendation. At least one letter must be submitted by a faculty member at the student's previous institution.
- Transfer as a second semester freshman or at the sophomore level (less than 59 credit hours).
- Enroll in a minimum of fifteen (15) semester regular college credit hours.
- Adhere to all other Honors Program conditions and criteria set forth for an Honors Program member in good standing.
*If an applicant's previous institution does not have an Honors Program, this requirement can be waived.
Advance Standing Students & Honors Course Equivalence Model
Once a student has completed his/her Honors Program Application and has been accepted
into the Honors Program the student may receive non honors credits for the following
courses with a grade of A:
ENGL 1101 | ENGL 1102 | ASU 1201 | ENGL 2111 | POLS 1101| HIST 1111 | HIST 1112
Also, students must complete HONR 2151 Honors Directed Independent Study.
If students have not completed the prescribed courses listed above, they will be required
to enroll in the next available sequence of Honors Program Courses equivalent to the
prescribed course listing above. This policy will ensure the completion of the required
17 Honors Course credit hours and/or their equivalence.