Outgoing and Incoming Mail

Outgoing mail is delivered to Albany State University’s Post Office via Albany State University’s Mail Courier. This mail has been collected from various departments on campus. Students, staff, and faculty who bring their mail directly to the Post Office should drop it into the designated off-campus mail drop located at the front of the Post Office. The Employees Listing by Department Roster and the Housing Roster are used to correctly identify on-campus mail received improperly addressed. Upon receipt of the mail:

  • Separate on-campus mail from outgoing mail
  • Outgoing mail must be separated by department before affixing postage
  • All departmental mail must be identified with department name (e.g., Math & Computer Science, History, etc.) to ensure that postage is charged to the correct account

Sorting and Boxing Incoming Mail

Mail is delivered to Albany State University’s Post Office via the United States Postal Services. The Employees Listing by Department Roster and the Housing Roster are used to identify correctly mail received improperly addressed. Mail that cannot be identified by either list is placed aside until contact is made with the Human Resources Office for assistance. If the mail cannot be identified, stamp RETURNED TO SENDER, UNABLE TO DELIVER AS ADDRESSED AND FORWARD BACK TO THE United States Postal Services. Upon receipt of the mail:

  • Verify each piece of mail to ensure that it is for the University.
  • Mark through the bar code if the mail is not for the University and places it in the off-campus mail drop.
  • Sort the student’s mail first by post office box number and place into the case separator to expedite boxing.
  • Remove the mail from the student’s sorting case by sections (30124-30199) to be placed in the student’s mailboxes.
  • Place the mail into the student’s mailboxes only if the name and box number corresponds with the mailbox.
  • Place Departmental and Faculty/Staff mail in the designated Post Office boxes.
  • Transmit all Inter-Departmental Mail via a gold Inter-Departmental Correspondence envelope.