Science Education
The Department of Natural Sciences of the College of Sciences and Health Professions believes that students should be provided with quality and quantifiable learning experiences needed for professional competence and to become productive citizens in a highly technical society. The Department is determined to meet the needs of the students that we serve. Consequently, Science Education graduates will be able to master the many academic and professional challenges found in the workplace.
This program is designed for persons holding Georgia T—4 certification in Science Education or who have completed basic prerequisite course work for certification in Science Education. This program leads to T—5 certification in Science Education.
Program Objectives
Objective 1. |
To help students understand the basic concepts and principles inherent in the body of knowledge of science. |
Objective 2. |
To allow students the opportunity to become familiar with and comfortable using the scientific method. |
Objective 3. |
To help develop rational thinking in our students. (Science is a cognitive tool used in all intellectual endeavors). |
Objective 4. |
To sensitize the future citizenry concerning the role that science and technology play in modern society to foster interests, appreciation, positive attitude and cultural values in harmony with the scientific enterprise. |
Objective 5. |
To prepare students for entrance into graduate and professional schools. |
Objective 6. |
To prepare students for professional employment in the sciences, including teaching biology and chemistry. The degree requires 36 semester hours, with 18 hours in the cognate field. |
Comprehensive Examination
In partial fulfillment of the M.Ed. Degree in Science Education, students are required to pass a comprehensive examination. This examination is administered the semester of expected graduation or upon completion of required coursework. A student is eligible to take the comprehensive examination only if his/her grade-point average is 3.0 or higher and no course grade is lower than 'B' in Area C of the degree-planned program. Students may not take the comprehensive examination more than once in an academic semester. A third failure on the comprehensive examination results in automatic termination from the degree program.
The purpose of the comprehensive examination is to assess the student’s knowledge of learning experiences that have been introduced in the Master’s degree in Science Education (Biology and Science Education Process) programs. The exam will address specific objectives from the cognate field.
The Master's degree in Science Education has an emphasis in biology.
Requirements – Area A and B
Area A – Nature of the Learner
(Minimum of 3 hours required) 3 hrs
Area B – Program and Problems of the School
(Minimum of 3 hours required) 3 hrs
EDUC 5570: Required Course
Area C – Teaching Field Courses.
Minimum of 18 semester hours from Area C (6 hours of the core are required)
Chemistry program, core courses may be omitted if a departmental proficiency exam
is passed. The student would complete 15 hours of advanced courses.
(Six hours in core and nine hours to be selected from the list of elective courses.)
Cognate Fields – Core
(Minimum of 6 hours from the core)6 hrs
(Other teaching field courses will be selected from courses listed within the cognate areas with the approval of the advisors.)
Cognate Fields — Electives 9 hrs
(Minimum of 9 hours chosen from the following)
(3 hrs from AREA C may be satisfied with PHYS 5500, (PHYS 5530 or PHYS 5531) or (PHYS 5645 or PHYS 5646)
Requirements - Area D and E
Area D – Research and Statistics
(Minimum of 3 semester hours) 3 hrs
EDUC 5500: Required for research course. Passing an examination can satisfy course requirements.
EDUC 5501: Required course
Area E – Electives (Minimum of 3 semester hours) 3 hrs
SPED 5501: Required only if not previously fulfilled.
Total Semester Hours Required: 36
Area D - Research and Statistics
(Minimum of 3 semester hours) 3 hrs